Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy

We offer free standard shipping on all orders within India. Orders are typically processed and shipped same day or within 1-2 business days. However, in some cases, it may take us longer, up to 3 working days, to ship the order as we may have to manufacture or procure some of the items from our other warehouses. In the unlikely event that we are unable to ship your order within 10 business days, we will cancel the remaining unshipped portion of your order and send you an email notifying you of this. In such cases, payment for the portion of the order that was not shipped will be refunded to the method by which payment was made. We ship every day (Monday to Friday), excluding holidays. If your order contains multiple items, they may be shipped separately from different locations in separate shipments. You will receive another email if all the items you ordered are not included in the shipment. If the product appears to be in poor condition, or if the package has been tampered with or damaged, refuse to accept the package and send mail to before accepting delivery. Please include your order number in your e-mail. We will do our best to ship a replacement as soon as possible. Please note that all items are shipped with an invoice showing the price as per Indian tax laws. A tracking number will be generated once your order has been shipped. You can track your order once it has been shipped. Alternatively, you can check the status of your order by logging in and visiting the “My Account” section. Please enter your correct email address if you would like to track your order. You don’t need to create an account, but it makes tracking your package easier. Shipping times may be affected by factors beyond our control such as weather conditions, political instability, unforeseen travel delays by our shipping partners due to festivals and strikes. In such cases, accepts no responsibility. The delivery address cannot be changed after the order has been placed.

Remote Location Delivery :

If the delivery destination is an remote (ODA), an additional fee will be charged for each shipment. ODA is defined as PIN codes or suburbs/cities that are remote, difficult to access, or served by few major airlines. Delivery times to these ODA locations are significantly longer and additional charges apply per delivery. If your shipping destination falls into this category, you will be specifically informed of these charges and shipping estimates at checkout.

International Shipping:

Currently, we do not ship overseas. You can shop from anywhere in the world using Indian currency as your payment method, as long as your shipping address is in India.

GST invoice

We ship all packages with an invoice attached with the goods. If you need another invoice after receiving the package, please email us. We will send you a copy.

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